7 Steps to Accelerate Your Writing Productivity [Infographic]

All successful writers are super productive.

They don’t work a gazillion hours a day/week/month(well, not all of them do)… but instead they have learned to work smarter.

Successful writers, become role models for others as they continue to level up their writing craft as well as their income.

I used to think that successful writers were lucky and that being successful as an author wasn’t something I could do.

However, I’ve changed my mind. As I’ve continued to read blogposts and listen to podcasts on what successful authors like Mark Dawson, Bella Andre, Barbara Freethy, Susan Kaye Quinn, JF Penn, Monica Leonelle and others are doing everyday, I’ve realized they’ve developed specific success habits in their lives.

Those habits and productivity tips are learnable for all first-time writers, through practice and repetition.

It all starts by making a decision to really go for it.

I hope as you read through the 7 steps to accelerate your writing productivity listed below, you are able to jumpstart your own author success.

I hope by reading through the above 7 steps, you’ve been inspired to get started on your writing goals today.

Choose to write everyday and make yourself do what you know you should do – whether you feel like it or not(this is something I’m still learning to get better at). It’s only when you force yourself to do something anyway, that you really move your life and writing career onto the fast track.

Since I’ve started writing down my goals everyday, and making a list the night before of what I need to get done the next day, I’ve been amazed at how much my productivity has increased.

So, I want to encourage you today. No matter what mistakes or challenges you’ve faced as a writer before this, that you can decide today to accelerate your own success. You can do this!

Get a clear vision of exactly what it is that you want in your writing life, and then follow the 7 steps listed above to make it happen.

How do you boost your writing productivity?  Please, leave your ideas in the comments, I’d love to hear from you 🙂

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