As a writer who want to continue growing in all areas, it’s important to do what you can to learn from other successful authors.
Ideally, you want to find and identify mentors who are either where you want to be right now, or have been where you want to be recently. It’s important that the mentor you choose has recently been where you want to be, because as people keep moving forward as Authorpreneurs, they get to the place where they are so far ahead of you that they may have trouble remembering the struggles they went through… and what it felt like to be at the level you’re at right now.
For example, if your goal is to finish writing your book, then it would be helpful to learn from and get inside the mindset of someone who has already finish a book(s).
Then your next step is to absorb your Mentor’s mindset on a continual basis until you reach your goals.
So how do you find your author mentor and begin to learn from them? Read on for 8 ways to find author mentors and learn from them…

8 Ways to Find Author Mentors and Learn From Them…
So if you are really wanting to up your game in the writing and self-publishing industry, how can you find author mentors who are where you want to be?
To start, it might be helpful to take a pen and paper and jot down 3 author mentors who are your dream mentors who could help you get to your goal. Usually these are mentors who are currently doing what you dream of doing.
Next, start with free content, until you’re ready to buy some of their stuff.
Here are 8 ways to learn from your author mentors:
1.Dig into all their free content to learn from your mentor. Go to your author mentor’s website and add your name to their email list. Read their blogposts, listen to their podcast, subscribe to their youtube channel and if they do free webinars then listen in on those too. Learning from your mentor’s free stuff is super valuable and a great place to start!
2.Begin to read books the mentor has written. Most author mentors are also thought leaders in their communities. Writing a book is a great way to get your message in front of many readers.
3.Get involved in courses, memberships or programs your author mentor has available. This is a great way to see how and what they are up to and a wonderful way to get time in front of them. This is a good way to get your specific questions answered.
4.Ask for one-on-one coaching with your author mentor. This is a good way to get even more access to your mentor and learn about specifics to help your situation.
5.Get involved in an apprenticeship with the author mentor. This will help you learn how they schedule their time, what they invest time and money into as well as how they run their business. This can be as a volunteer or in a paid position.
6.Ask to join a Mastermind that your author mentor runs. If you can join a mastermind that your author mentor is part of, you can really tap into how successful authors think and learn from them. Masterminds are a great way to get into the ‘same space’ with people who are really doing well in writing and self-publishing their books.
7.Sign-up for live events that the mentor hosts. This a great way to meet people in person and is a big key to growing a successful mindset quickly.
8.Chat with your mentors on social media, interview them on your blog or podcast or email them. This is one of my favourites! I’ve been able to chat with many author mentors that I admire and respect in the indie author community, and it has been super helpful to ask questions on their process and dig deeper into how they think and absorb their mindset. You can do the same. Find your mentor on social media, email them or interview them – on your blog or podcast. You’ll be amazed at how this helps you to grow as an author 🙂
I hope these 8 ways to learn from author mentors has been useful to you. Start with one idea and as you begin to learn from your mentor, you’ll notice that you are thinking like a successful author. If you want to learn more of these author mindset tips(and get a free ebook), click here.
What are some of your favourite ways to learn from your author mentors? Please do share in the comments below, I’d love to hear your thoughts!