How to Get Unstuck as You Write Your Novel

Let’s face it. Sometimes you get stuck as you write your novel.

This has happened to me with every story I’ve written so far.

Sometimes it’s as simple as not knowing what to write next, or it could be that some details in your plot need to be tweaked.

No worries. This is figure-out-able. 🙂

If you’re feeling like you don’t know what to write next in your novel, read on to learn how to get unstuck… 

Teach yourself to be resourceful and creative…

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to think creatively on the spot?  For instance, when our kiddos were little, their shoelaces would break at least once a year. Sometimes it was at a really inconvenient time and I needed to grab something that was handy so they could still wear their running shoes. A few times I just grabbed laces from some old shoes around the house, but other times even a strong type of cloth, cut in strips, would work for shoelaces if I couldn’t find anything else.

Sometimes you just need to be resourceful.

If you’re feeling stuck somewhere in writing your novel, keep going and push forward.

It’s surprising how your mind will come up with solutions if you just give it a chance. 

Trust your creative mind to problem solve and come up with solutions when you get stuck in the muddy middle of your story. Share on X

The problem comes in when you stop trying to work through the problem. If you stop, your mind doesn’t get to the position where has to push harder.

That’s why you just need to keep going.

Our brain needs a challenge and sometimes it just needs a chance to work in the background. Which is why sometimes when you’re washing dishes or having a shower,  you’ll suddenly come up with the solution to your story problem.

A tip that I’ve found helpful to get unstuck, is to write out ideas(or a brief summary or outline) a few steps ahead of where you are writing. And if you just can’t seem to get into the story, perhaps you’re not excited about it.

Which could mean, that you need to switch around some of your story ideas, so that you are passionate about the story again.

Ideas that might help you push through to get unstuck:

  • Take a moment to look at all the points in your story that you need to touch on (following story structure)
  • Go back and look at the dynamics between characters and the rising conflict and ask yourself: What can I do to make things harder or more awkward for my characters that will force them to stretch and grow?
  • Judge your emotions and how you feel about what you’re writing. Ask yourself what you’re truly excited to write about. Remember if you’re not excited to write it, more than likely your readers won’t be excited to read it.

Those are the things I’m working through now as I finish up writing Book #2 in my pen name romance. I’m discovering these ideas are working for me, and I hope they help you too.


What are some ideas you have that help you get unstuck as you write your novel? Please share in the comments. I’d love to hear from you. 🙂


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