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Hi! I’m Lorna Faith. I’m happy you’re here 🙂

I’m a writer of fiction and non-fiction and I love listening to people’s stories – both real and imagined – so that’s why I started this blog and YouTube channel Create A Story You Love.

I guess you could say I’m a Storyteller at heart. It took me a long time before I could say those words out loud. I was intimidated and scared to share my authentic voice with the world.

Because of my own struggles to write, self-publish and market my own books, I’ve wrote a eBook – Write and Publish Your First Book in hopes that it would also help first-time writers.  I also wrote the sequel in that series, Finish Your Book, for writers who feel stuck and who are struggling to finish writing their book.

Ready to learn 7 Steps to Nail Down Your Novel Before You Start Writing? Grab Your Free Workbook Download here.

My goal here is to encourage and inspire you to write amazing stories, to bravely self-publish your books… and to share your voice and your stories with the world!

I live in make-believe worlds and talk to imaginary friends when I’m working on my next fiction book. However, my love for storytelling moves beyond fiction… to helping others to write, self-publish and market their stories.

If you want help with writing your novel, read through this blogpost series: https://www.createastoryyoulove.com/part-1-how-to-brainstorm-story-ideas-you-are-passionate-to-write/

My goal with this website is to encourage and show you the steps to push past doubt and fear to write amazing stories, bravely publish your books… and to share your voice and your stories with the world!


If you’ve ever thought some version of the above questions, then you’ve come to the right place.

Please do read through the blog articles and listen to the author chats to discover more helpful tips and strategies to write, self-publish and get your book into more readers hands!


Fiction I’m writing…

I’ve wrote my first Historical Romance Answering Annaveta a few years ago and since then I’ve completed Anchoring Annaveta — Book #2 in the series.

Longing for Love, is a Historical Clean Romance, a standalone that I wrote a few years ago.

I also continue to write different series of sweet and clean romance books under a pen name.


More Fun News…

A year and a half ago, I published the first book in a middle-grade fiction adventure series that is inspired by true events from my childhood. I grew up as the youngest of 11 children, in a family that pioneered and farmed land in Northern British Columbia, Canada.

Book #1 is titled, Kanata’s True North.  I plan for this middle grade fiction series to be a 7 book series.

The setting, is the late 1960s and early 1970s in a small farming community in Northern Canada. This story gives a real-life heartwarming and nostalgic look back to a time our grandparents have often referred to as: Canada of Old.


Other books I’ve written…

Since I’ve always loved fairytales… I’ve written a series of Clean Romance Fairytales and Cowboy Western Clean Romance books under my pen name. 

As of this writing, I am currently writing Book #3, The Vineyard Mistletoe Christmas, in a New Women’s Fiction Clean Beach Romance Mystery series, under my pen name.

Want to learn more about my fiction books?

Read more here: www.memorablefictionbooks.com.


Ask me a question by emailing me at:  createastoryyoulove (at) gmail (dot) com.




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