Thanks for your interest in contacting me 🙂
I get a lot of email every day, so please read through the notes below before using the contact form at the bottom of the page to get in touch. Thank you!
Help with purchases on Books, Online Courses or Coaching
As a paying customer, you are my priority and I want to help you as fast as possible! To help me get back to you ASAP, please let me know in the message below what you are needing help with and I will usually reply within 24 hours.
Request to Interview me or media requests in general
I am always happy to consider interviews about my books, writing or courses I’m creating. Please let me know in the message below.
Request to interview an author for the podcast
Right now I have paused the podcast interviews. Will post it on this website if that changes.
Guest BlogPost submissions
If you have a topic that relates to fiction writing, storytelling, indie publishing, overcoming resistance or finding your calling, I would love to hear your thoughts. Let me know in the message below.
Permission to use an article from this website
Thanks for asking!
Please note that the free articles on this site, as well as the books, services and other products are copyright material so you many not distribute those without specific permission.
However, you are welcome to publish an excerpt with comments or use the whole article as long as you link back to the original webpage on www.createastoryyoulove.com.
Thank you!
Email me at: lorna (at) createastoryyoulove (dot) com.
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