You are a Writer(Choose Yourself)

Sometimes it’s really difficult to name yourself as a creative person – a writer.

Most often this is a process of moving beyond self-doubt and embracing the fact that you are a writer.  This process involves resistance as well as trust.

Your art – writing your story – begins when we become willing to listen to the “still, small voice” that seems to grow louder. Lean in to that. (I share tips on how you can unleash your writing dreams coming up. Click here to sign-up for the Free Webinar on January 18th and if you can’t make it, no worries… you’ll get a link to the Replay). 🙂

Choose Yourself. You are a Writer.

Easier said than done.

Yet, all of us can learn to notice ourselves. All of us can learn to be aware of what is pulling at us deep inside. All of us can begin to choose ourselves.

Read on to learn how you can choose yourself…

You are creative…

You are creative.

Some of us have been affirmed in our creativity – our writing – but many of us didn’t have people around us who believed in our creative abilities.

It helps to have people who walk with you and believe in  you – in your gifts and talents. But not everyone has that.

Like Rumpelstiltskin, we as writers many times have to name ourselves. “I am a writer.” To call ourselves that which the world around us has yet to accept.

Your identity is tied to an inner seed of knowing – what at times seems like an unrealistic certainty in the face of overwhelming odds.

As writers we doubt ourselves. Sometimes when we’re in the middle of an identity shift, we say with discouragement, I don’t know who I am. It’s true. We are sensing that there’s some parts of ourselves that haven’t yet been listened to. We are far larger and many times have more gifts inside of us than we realize.

Sometimes we’ve been studying and teach music(or something else) for over half our lives when we suddenly discover a passion for writing(that was me). Or the painter becomes a photographer, or the an actor becomes a writer.

It’s sneaks up on us, but in the end we realize this new gift we discover in ourselves – like writing – is another side of us.

Your dream of writing a book pulls you forward, and you are led inch by inch – step-by-step – into where your creativity is leading you.

As you write, many times you will listen to your intuition – writing the next paragraph and the next chapter, acting on faith. You might descend into doubt, but watch in amazement as your dreams carry you forward with a mind of their own.

The beautiful thing is that everyday, somewhere a writer is born.

The writer comes into the world with a calling: to share words and proclaim a message. To shake the earth and rattle the heavens if only she would share them.

Writing is a choice. It belongs to you and me. And we choose every single day to embrace our message – the story that’s inside of us.

Whether or not the world hears your story or whether or not you leave the impact you were born to make – is entirely up to you.

That’s a scary thought.

So, what’s our next step to really own it – to see ourselves as the writers we are?

Is it when you get an agent? Or sign a book contract? Or sell a bunch of copies? No it’s much simpler.

As Steven Pressfield says, “You are a writer, when you say you are.”

It’s that simple.


Do you struggle to call yourself a writer? Please do share your thoughts in the comments, I’d love to hear from you 😉






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